Hello we are Kelly and Jason Austin the owners of The Little Plant Company. We are a family-run garden and floral design company. Our love for plants and nature began early on. It grew stronger when we met and fell in love as students at Delaware Valley University where we studied Ornamental Horticulture.
After many years working separately in the greenhouse and nursery industry we decided to team up and start our own business. Our main focus from day one has alway been gardening with native plants. Understanding the important roll native plants play in sustaining wildlife and the environment has been our driving force. This lead to us starting our ecological garden design and installation company. We were honored to be feature in the NY Times during the the fall of 2017 along with a handful of other "super gardeners" in the metro area.
Jason has a passion for carnivorous plants. He has been leading the way in hybridizing Sarracenia and propagating rare native perennials. His knowledge and creativity found him featured, yet again in the NY Times in 2011 which showcased his unique and beautiful container bog gardens.
Kelly was always creating arrangements with flowers from our garden. Which quickly lead to us using them in floral designs for weddings, special events and our bouquet subscriptions. We are very excited to expand our cut flower production in 2024 with the purchase of a piece of land next to our home.
Working for ourselves has given us flexibility while raising our son Meade. We have spent many years plant collecting and curating our home garden in Pine Beach, NJ.
It is our pride and joy! We enjoy hosting garden tours during the growing season. We love spending time at the beach and riding our bikes at local State and County parks. But most of all being with our family and working in our garden with our sweet pug Mary Lou.

We recognized the need for environmental advocates in the landscaping industry so we enjoy working with coastal nonprofit organizations in Ocean and Monmouth County focusing on the education of the ecological benefits of planting native plants.
Through our stewardship with The Little Plant Company, we started a garden club where we live in Pine Beach, NJ and have continued to empower local residents, schools, businesses and municipalities to eliminate lawn and create habitats for bees, butterflies, moths and other insects, providing food for a healthy population of birds, mammals and reptiles.
thelittleplantcompany | 732-966-7541 | Pine Beach, NJ | thelittleplantcompany@gmail.com